Wooooooooooow a release post. Praise the actual heavens!
Yea….so rip. Real Life > Scans ya hurd. Both admins had to deal with a lot of real life things + half the staff (tiny group as is) had to go on hiatus for real life things. We’re slowly but surely tryna get things back together but ayyyyeee, who knows what will happen. Let’s just all rejoice, thank the staff who got things out, and give sweet thanks to Zai who has taken over most of my series till my life is right.
Enjoy your releases ya fabulous people <3 And happy Valentines day to all you pure hearted shoujo lovers.
Boku ni Hana no Melancholy Chapter 6 DL | Read Online
Hotaru no Hikari Chapter 60 DL | Read Online
ty for himono release!
thank you for the release. your hard work is much appreciated. until we meet again best wishes & regards.
Thank you so much! I love hotaru no hikari
Thank you for your hard work!