A chilling dramatic series about Shinjyurou Mamiya, an embalmer in a nation where men of his profession are viewed as outcasts engaging in an unaccepted and unclean practice. For Shinjyurou, it’s just a job. But in doing it, he’s...
A chilling dramatic series about Shinjyurou Mamiya, an embalmer in a nation where men of his profession are viewed as outcasts engaging in an unaccepted and unclean practice. For Shinjyurou, it’s just a job. But in doing it, he’s...
Remember that plague you learned about in history class? Well, it’s back, ready to infect hordes of people! Follow Nagasawa, a melodramatic student caught in the middle of this horrid epidemic, with absolutely no idea what’s going on, trying...
“One day, like an attack, you are caught in a fire of love. It is beautiful and sad at the same time. Once you are captured by the hands of love, there’s no way. Your love story might be...
Yukari wants nothing more than to make her parents happy by studying hard and getting into a good college. One afternoon, however, she is kidnapped by a group of self-styled fashionistas calling themselves “Paradise Kiss.” Yukari suddenly finds herself...
A country girl in the big city, Yu doesn’t quite understand just how hard it is to make it big. So when she’s enraptured by a play, she immediately declares it her life’s mission to become a great...
Geraldine Francis is the innocent daughter of a wealthy aristocrat. Being sheltered all her life, she is oblivious to her cousin Charles’ true intentions when he lures her in and makes her fall hopelessly in love with him. It...
Aoki Kaoru is a 26-year-old woman who has never had a boyfriend. Normally unattached and unmotivated in her own life, Kaoru decides to start up a nail salon as a side business in addition to her regular job as...
Life does not always go as planned. Noriko fell in love, got engaged, and imagined a bright future. Instead, her fiance fell in love with her older sister, Eiko. Noriko refused to let go, and they ended up...