The manga begins as Kanae Sekiguchi, proprietor of the Tsuki no Yu bathhouse, struggles to reopen her business after the unexplained disappearance of her husband…
The manga begins as Kanae Sekiguchi, proprietor of the Tsuki no Yu bathhouse, struggles to reopen her business after the unexplained disappearance of her husband…
Ashihara Himari hates men. Or rather, she doesn’t understand them. In order to alleviate this problem, her friends decide that she should confess to someone. But what if that someone unexpectedly agrees…? Avelys Rating: 8/10 Avelys...
In a dystopian future in which robots are becoming increasingly commonplace, a young boy named Hogu lives in near poverty with his grandmother and sister. Though he innately possesses a kind soul, he is ostracized by his classmates and...
Inokuma Yawara is just another young high school girl. Well, not quite for Yawara is being raised by her grandfather, 7th dan Judo master Inokuma Jigorou, to be Japan’s great hope for the women’s Judo competition at the 1992...
Based on the award-winning novel by Shinji Kajio, Memories of Emanon tells the story of a mysterious girl who holds a 3-billion-year old memory, dating back to the moment life first appeared on Earth. Avelys Rating: 9/10 Avelys Notes: ...
It’s the summer when Natsuru is 11. Ever since he’s turned one of them down on Valentine’s Day, the girls of his class have been constantly ignoring him. This changes just before summer break, when Suzumura, the tallest girl...
In just two volumes, the author manages to create an incredibly rich and fascinating world that is full of wonders and enchanting beauties—a world in which men are watched over by the mechanical goddess Marie who at times appears...
A pianist who attempted suicide 3 times, Juri, is taken to help her aunt at a prison where murderers who killed indiscriminately are sentenced to death. There, she meets a man named Yuu who took the lives of 3...